St. Charles Soccer Academy
For over twenty-four years now, the St. Charles Soccer Academy has been structured to provide young, enthusiastic soccer players a chance to expand their individual skills within a team concept. The camp’s main goal is to ensure that players enjoy a FUN atmosphere and at the same time learn the FUNDAMENTALS to make them better suited for competition.
About the Coaches
Head Coach Chris Vonau '06 has been coaching at SC for nineteen years. Rick Ey '94 has been coaching and teaching at SC for twenty-four years and is the Principal. The other coaches have experience in high school, competitive club, collegiate, and professional soccer. A mix of current St. Charles players and alumni will also be present to assist and display the St. Charles spirit, skill, and love of the game.
What to bring
- Soccer cleats, shin guards, soccer ball, indoor shoes/sneakers, plenty of water, snack.
Dates & TimesAges- Boys entering 3rd - 9th grades
Location- St. Charles Walt Plank Field (Main Campus)
CostContactPlan for Inclement Weather
Please know that your son’s safety is our number one priority. This simple plan allows us to keep him safe and hopefully continue playing and training while he’s with us in spite of inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
To prepare for this possibility, players should bring indoor soccer shoes or sneakers to camp every day so we can continue with training, games, contests, etc. inside if possible.
If there is thunder or lightning, or if there is any other hazard posed by being outside, we will immediately seek shelter; and if it is clear that the bad weather will continue or that there is no chance to get back out on the field, we will try to continue with camp at indoor locations, which are as follows:
1. St. Charles Gymnasium or Multi-Purpose Room, Main Campus (adjacent to the stadium field)
2. St. Charles Robotics and Mentoring Center, just west of our West Campus athletic facility: From Main campus, head right/west on Broad St., turn right/north on Nelson Rd. (first light), turn left/west on Long St. (first light), pass the West Campus facility on your right, cross under the RR bridge and the facility is immediately on your right.
We will most likely be on the Main Campus stadium field for camp. If it is necessary to move off of Main Campus, the older players will probably be the first to go to the West Campus field. We will do our best to make coaches visible at pickup time to direct parents. Feel free to contact Coach Rick Ey (614) 638-4287.
Social Media
Sometimes we like to post news and photos of our soccer activities to our social media pages. This summer camp is such a positive for us that we like to celebrate it, but we also understand if parents are uncomfortable with their son’s image being posted online. If we do post photos, we do not identify the names of the players in the photos, but if it is your preference to avoid this altogether, please do not hesitate to contact Coach Ey to tell him directly that you do not want your son’s image posted online. We will honor your wishes.